fredag den 18. juli 2008

The Long Sleep (or Sheep, maybe) is Over

The Child is back home. By child I mean a time consuming, constant and most welcome disturbance in the home. Two of them are actually mine, and as I have two homes, well......

The small and beautyful upright belongs to Charlotte.

Immediately after having collected it from Karen (not IN the car, I mean) but when we arrived in Janes garden, I spun this:

122g of the softest Spelsau lambswool. My mum cleaned, carded and gave it a first light wash, and it practically spun itself. I will be keeping my mums wheel (back left) in Copenhagen, it is just a tad better than my own (the front wheel) which will be placed at Bornholm.

At Janes birthday we also explored our abilities (stretched them, more likely) into dyeing yarn.

I do not have the final result of my yarn, yet, as it has not been washed. But until then, the colors look fine!

I call this colorway: old rhubarb.

By the way, it is cotton flamé.....done in a microwave oven with vinegar and silk dye. I am SO heading for a fiasco - and we had SO much fun.

Quandering Questions: Why is wool-gathering considered a bad thing?

2 kommentarer:

Karen S, Lykkefanten sagde ...

Answer: It isn't if you're constantly in need of insulation!

Dejligt garn både det spundne og det farvede ;)

Kh Karen S

Charlotte kaae sagde ...

Hvor er det fedt dit garn, glæder mig til a spinde igen mandag, her i weekenden gælder det om at få Ann's sokker færdige... Opskrifterne kommer mandag tror jeg... FEDT