Under the colorful and ambitious label of ´Bollywood´ meets Scandinavian Knitting she is creating patterns that are original, inspired and her very own - and with colors to die for. She also offers multi-color knitting classes, so are You ever in or near Copenhagen, look her up for a truly inspiring afternoon! Details can be found on her blog.
Back to the challenge - I have been given complete autonomy over which colors I want to testknit her Head Scarf in - I have chosen to work with the Tweed300 yarn as it is a 9/2 shetland, excellent for two-color knitting (and maybe also because YOU HAVE A HUGE STASH!!!, Red.)
Hm. Ok. On with it.
I decided to think about it this way: Bollywood design meets the cold, early danish spring and chose the colors I see right now in the garden -
the earthy hues of wet, brown dirt
the spry greens, some that are bitten by frost and turned a little yellow
the warm and light yellow of the early eranthis and white from the snowdrops
And thrown in for hope: purple for the first crocus soon to come.
So, this is my interpretation of Bollywood Spring;-)
Can´t wait to wear it!
5 kommentarer:
I love this idea!
Så läckert!
Hi Heidi!
How nice of you to help our dear friend. I love your work so far ;o)
Suk.... altså et suk efter forår, hvor bliver det smukt Heidi... Jeg er så glad for du hjælper mig, pdf'en er snart klar til afsendinge, sidder og tegner hele diagrammet først... firkant for firkant for firkant, og tro mig der er mange firkanter...
Nyt diagram er på mailen :-) glæder mig til at se mere af de skønne farver.
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